Sabbatical: Chill out. You’re ready.
It is normal to be anxious about an upcoming trip. Scenario planning allows us to pre-face our fears, so that when/if they happen, we have back-pocket strategies ready to go.
Sabbatical: Stop ‘moving in silence’ - it’s time to socialize!
How to talk to your boss about taking extended time away from work.
Sabbatical: $$money$$ talk
Key financial questions to explore when thinking about taking extended time off work, and a quick lesson on Systems Thinking.
Sabbatical: Location, location, location!
How STEEP-V & trends scanning put Arles on my radar, and how you can leverage these tools to help you nail down your sabbatical location.
Am I too young to take a sabbatical?
The highs and lows of planning a sabbatical in your early 30s. Exploring questions such as How will this impact my career? If I prioritize this sabbatical, does it take away from other societal goals, such as home ownership or starting a family? Wait, can I even afford this?